Whoever originally designed the train whistle did one heck of a good job figuring out how it should sound. No matter how many times I listened to it, I still loved the sound of it blowing through each town we passed through.
There are so many fun aspects to train travel. Some things you may think of, and some are surprising. I love the ability to walk around. Sit in the observation car, surrounded by windows, and watch the landscape move by. Walk to the lounge to get a pop or sandwich. Just get up and walk if you feel your ankles swelling.
Train passengers are different from plane passengers. They talk with each other more. It may be because the trip takes a longer time, or it may be just because we all share a love of train travel. I have yet to meet anyone who says that they had a miserable train trip and they can't wait until they can get on an airplane again!
I met two wonderful women this trip. Both in the vicinity of my age bracket. Both traveling solo. Both open about their lives. One I never even got her name, but the other I hope turns into a long-time friend.
But it was so affirming to me to have had our Heavenly Father send these two angels. It proved to me that the direction my life is going now IS the right direction, and there are many other people besides me who are traveling it. People that are willing to walk with me and teach me on this journey, even if it is only for a fractional amount of time. And all I have to do is overcome my shyness about talking with them.
Now, what you have been waiting for......the pictures of my little Tin Can of a rail room.
The Window Seats
The long bench on the right pulls out into a bed. Two are supposed to be able to sleep in it, but I'm not sure how comfortable they'd be. Up above is a single bunk that can be pulled down for another bed.
Towards the door.
There is a sink on the right. I had a bagel sitting there, and Jim, our Attendant, came by and told me I probably wanted to throw the bagel away. I told him I needed to keep it in case I needed something to eat. So he let me know some of the disgusting things he has found around sinks - when he got to used condoms, I willingly gave my bagel to him to toss. Yuck.
The shower
It was a pretty interesting arrangement. On the left is a curtain that was supposed to snap against the walls so water wouldn't run out. But none of the snaps on the curtain matched the snaps on the walls. I had figured out by this point that trying to take a full shower while the train was under full steam was probably not one of my smarter ideas, anyway, so settled for washing my hair and sort of wetting myself down very quickly during a stop.
My traveling companion surrounded by my traveling stuff.
My companion again
Her full name is Mistress Eleanor. Or Ms. El or Ms. E. for short. The Eleanor is after Eleanor Roosevelt, who was also a great traveler and one of the women (after Helen Keller) I admire most highly. Ms. E. is enjoying her trip and is proving to be a wonderful companion! Never complains, always willing to do what I want to do, doesn't eat my leftovers. Can't ask for more than that!
When I knew I was back in Texas
On the day my Grandma Gilgosch was buried, it rained. When a bunch of the kinfolk got together at one of my cousins house later on, the sunlight came streaming through the clouds. We felt like Grandma was letting us know her spirit was with us. Ever since then, whenever I see sunlight coming through clouds like this, I feel Grandma is around me again.
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